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We told Kenta beforehand that he is coming to check us out if Kenta and mommy/daddy can make a true family together and he would play with Kenta. 
The invetigator visited us as soon as Kenta got home from school. After Kenta greeted him, he said.."I'm hungry". He started munching potato chips unhesitatingly in front of the investigator.
The investigator tossed some questions to Kenta softly to see what he's doing at school..what subjects he likes......some difficulties or dislikes or  how he spends daily.....
Things looked like going smoothly, but all of a sudden Kenta started out saying to the investigator..."My mom said you can play with me..Let's  play tag!"....He kindly accepted Kenta's request pleasantly and we did play tag in a park.
 Kenta was so nimble while the investigator was dog-tired. He even stumbled and got his suit dirty with mud.
Here is the investigator's words just before he left...."I had an impression that you are raising and taking care of him very well. I am happy to see him living vigorously, especially by observing him munching potato chips unhesitatingly on his own pace!"
He was leaving while he was trying to wipe off his sweat.

1 日本国内への配送に適用されます。その他の国についてはこちらをご参照ください
2 (税込)