Here is a message from Ms. Nanako Hayami, one of Grunn sponsors. She is a Judicial Scrivener and helps Gruun activities.
It was my freshman year at university that I started out with some tutoring volunteer at a child-welfare facility. Since I fooled around spending too many days in vain without getting enough credits, I regretted, and wanted to do some meaningful task. That was to go there once a week to teach a kid, for whom I was in charge. I was, except for my family, hiding of going there telling people that doing that type of volunteer work isn't what I seek particularly, so I kept it in secret. When I think of this now, I cannot help but laugh it away.
During the course of my three year continuous activities up to my graduation, I started to doubt about the facilities and the current circumstances surrounding those. The first thing I noticed is that there are too little staff provided to take care of children who are all mentally hurt. And fact that small children even call the staff members (who are supposed to close to them) by surnames (with -san added). The children are too many for the numbers of staff there. Their turns to be picked up for dacco don't come often.
Chldren want attention and need somebody to nestle close with them. When I saw this, I began to think that it would be great if we come up with some system of foster-parents/adopted children that could bring up the children in one-to-one family unit, by which attention hopefully goes to every child.
My encounter with Gruun started after I obtained the national qualification for Judicial Srivener. Ever since becoming Judicial Srivener, I still had a prolonged awareness of the issue and wanted to contribute my help to such an activity as Judicial Scrivener, then I happened to get to know the Gruun's activities
As one of the activities of Adult Judicial Scriveners Association of Kanagawa Pref., we hold legal classes at infant-welfare facilities. It's an activity of teaching and explaning some legal advices to children there abour cautions, to which that they have to pay attention ----by using drawing panels or story-telling cardboards.
Hereafter, I would like to contribute to the Grunn activities as a Judicial Scrivener and an individual person as well.