" Mom, do you have some good one(man) in mind?"
I questioned..."Why?"...They tried to express reasons why them made such a question. It gave me hintings..for them, it may derive from some desire for a possible life with a dad character, or heart-felt care for me....I truly found out that it comes from lots of different feelings they think and they go through as they grow.
Children see things very observantly much more than we expect, and understand very well. Especially they can see intrinsic things that we adults tend to miss out. They may grip things more accurately with their pure mind and eyes. That is why we would like to be responsible for our act that isn't just a temporary relief/or soothing.
Mary's concern is the fact that the girl chose her father on her own will at the time of her parents' divoice. The girl must be worried about her father, must be thinking about her mother or may be dreaming of herself living together someday with her own two parents.
Meanings of "Holding tight (cuddling)" may differ significantly based on ages, circumstances and/or countries. Since this particular girl is no longer an infant like one or two years old, act of "Holding her tight" may have completely different meanings compared with the act of doing the same over infants, thus it occurs to me that the significance of doing dacco (holding/hugging/cuddling) or holding infants in our arms with aprons attached(to help/support staff at infant homes) is different from "holding tight" of the girl as Mary being a "Special friend to her father". The girl may expect Mary as her new mother.
If we are to aim at healing the girl in true meanings, who would be allowed to hold her tight? As far as I am concerned, it should be a person who have already made up one's mind to become her new mother. If undecided yet at this stage, playing together in the method of tough-and-feel would be effective for girls before elementary school. Through this type of contact, she may open up her mind, then she may further start talking about her stroy buried deep in her mind.