Here's a wonderful comment from a gentleman. With his permission, here I'm introducing it to you.
Nakatsu-san, thank you for the impressive remark!
ーーーーWhile I was reading Gruun's contributing articles, memories came backto me one after another. When I was a child, I couldn't
face adults straightforwardly..for instance, how to start conversations. I felt like I was about to be scolded for something, so I kept the distance.
------A series of flashback such as meeting different people in the past came along day by day. I was happy when they held my hands, and I was cheerful just because they came close. Especially
talking of my foster-father, He is deceased now and... he put me in a rambling life as a result, but I liked riding on his shoulders. On the way back from a public bath (or Sento in Japanese), we
stopped by a cafe. Though he didn't eat anything, he ordered Coke-float for me. Later I came to know... that's all the money left he could pay for it from his purse. Now all my tears