「子供たちに愛情を通して、人との触れ合い・心の交流を持ってもらうみなさまの活動、今の時代だからこそ貴重であると思います。 甘やかしではないのですが、優しさの中から住み良い社会が拡がると思うし、世代を超えて、年輩の大人たちも再考し、大いに勉強して欲しいと思います。」
「私は37歳、杉並在住で小1、年中、1歳の男の子の母で、1月中旬に第四子出産予定です! バタバタした毎日ですが、子供に囲まれ幸せに過ごしています。 何か世間のお役にたてること(特に子供のために)があれば細々とでも続けていきたいと思っていました。 アロマセラピストの仕事をしていたこともあり、タッチングや触れ合いの大切さはとても共感でき、私も少しでも温もりを伝えられることができればと思っています。」
Messages (people from all walks of life) are so encouraging!
---Everyone's activity that is to plant our love in with those needy children through the sapport and communication exchanges among the poeple invoved...I think it is becoming much more valuable/important in this everchanging era. It's of course not spoiling them, but in doing so, I believe we can expand the horizon of our society in which we could possibly live in comfortably. Therefore, regardless of generations, the older group of people can also give it a new thought and I hope they can therefore greatly educate thmselves.
----I just finished registering myself as a Gruun supporter and sponsor. I'm kind of embarrassed of my participating in the activity with a meager sum of money (>_<), It's true that I may have to consult with my household budget. I would like collaborate for long without forcing myself. My kid is a 2nd grader in junior high school, and I hope I am able to give my helping hands at a facility in my neighborhood...
-----I was touched with Gruun's activities. I'm also a mother to a son of four years old. With this experience, I hope I can be of help.
-----Living in Suginami ward, I'm a 37 years old mother of three sons (one grader in elementary school, kindergartner, one year old), and I'm delivered of 4th child mid of Jan.! I'm happy with the kids around although I'm spending bustling days.For a long time, I have though I could be of service to the society (especially for the sake of kids) over the long period of time thought I could do it a little by little. Since I was once engaged in aroma-therapy, I know the importance of touching and feeling with which I can share the same value. I hope to pass my warmth to the kids as much as I can.
-----I have 5 daughters ranging from a kidergartner up to a junior high student. I think I can be of help as a Gruun supporter. It's a wonderful thing to be a
volunteer for "dacco-ing" (hugging/cuddling infants). I once worked for a consulting institute for parents and children where children diagnosed as mentally retarded were sent in. I knew
nothing can beat dacco and it is the best greeting of all for getting along each other.I registered at Gruun in the hope that I could be of help to others within the scope of my
ability. Warmth of our hands is great! It's a wonderful support!