We, as a mariied couple, simply started out the foster-parenting of our kid just because we wanted our kid. Out of luck, we could meet our son 5 years go. At first, we were delighted and having fun, but in reality, we were pressed by the child-rearing difficulties which were new to us and our days were spent with full of anxiety. One day I met Ms. Ario. She told me "I do believe It's a wonderful thing for married couples to bring up kids, then truly becoming forster-parents like Mrs. Hasegawa(me) who weren't blessed with kids due to infertility, and still want kids by all means"....There are diversified reasons for each couple to start out foster-parinting, and since I didn't see there were no couples who commenceced the way we did. Therefore, I was stunned with the words Ms. Ario tossed upon us.
As for me, I am the foster-parent to a son, and I am bringing him up as a real son. In the coming year 2013, furthermore we are scheduled to welcome our son by method of Special Adoption System Legal Law. We strongly feel anew that we came all the way to become heart-felt/communicative family members one another.
Thanks to Ms. Ario with whom I often converse about each other's daily child-rearing story, I now firmly believe I am so "fortunate" with our son added to our family.
Ever since my encounter with Ms. Ario, I was invited to a number of Gruun's communication exchange events where... foster-parents or just ordinary parents and/or foster-children brought up at infant-facilities or ordinary children who are nothing to do the facilties get together. They talk about how they bring up their children or simply play together....I felt all things happening there are so fabulous to me although everybody has their own different circumstances.
We want evey couple to know...every couple in the world who wants a child to know...that there exists a couple like us..like our family...We pray and wish Ms. Ario a success--who is the epicenter of Gruun's activities and I intend to continue my support to Gruun.