I did volunteer work when I was a college student. When I even became so-called Shakai-jin or a full-fledged working lady in this society, I still kept thinking of myself being engaged in some volunteer activity. When I was looking for this status searching through internet, I came across with the one in Oita Pref., namely the announcement of "Oita Gruun"....
I was so impressed to learn about Gruun's activities, policy/mission, history and some updated episodic experiences, and I truly wanted to participate in it by all means. I thought, however, it may not be a good idea for me to get involved as I may hinder Gruun's activities by not attending regularly or much less frequency due to my work schedule, thus I have been hesitant.After one thing leading to another, I got a message from Ms. Ario, President of Gruun. She says to me..
" It's wonderful for us to welcome you anytime, say once a year, or we even appreciate your attendance once in 2-3 years possibly participating in some of Gruun's activities, or you can comment on FB anytime sharing your impression when you are moved, or whatever you can do....in any field ....whatever or however you can help us. I was truly delighted and was so encouraged with your sense of involvment."--------that was what she informed me of....
With her kind words said out, I found myself foolish in hesitating so long, so I immediately registered as a Gruun supporter. If I can be of help in any area, I'm willing to do my best!